Martin Nathansen Apps

Vbatt - battery widget 1.1
Martin Nathansen
* Vbatt is a simple battery widget for Androidsmartphones and tablets. It displays the current battery voltage(Vbatt) and the remaining battery capacity (percentage) andoptionally logs these values to a CSV-file.* For testing and benchmarking Vbatt provides a JBox2D** baseddischarger, which drains the battery and displays the clock andruntime and for CPU benchmarking the simulation frequency.* Vbatt does not require any internet access, is free ofadvertising and will remain so in the future!The main reason for developing Vbatt was the differing behaviourof replacement batteries while discharging them in daily use. On ofour batteries is almost empty when a remaining capacity of 5% isdisplayed. Another one does not even reach this level because thephone powers off before. A third battery; however, runs for manyhours even with a displayed capacity of just 1%.For a better estimation of the remaining phone runtime the Vbattwidget displays in addition to the remaining capacity (percentage)the battery voltage. The upper and lower limits of the voltage bargraph are configurable because especially the lower limit (poweroff voltage) considerably varies from device to device andaccording to the battery load.Battery Widget - Features:- Numeric and bargraph indicator for the current battery voltage(volt) and remaining capacity (percentage).- Configurable min/max limits for the voltage bargraphindicator.- Display of battery states: USB=charging, Batt=discharging,Full=full battery.- Display of battery temperature (depending on thebattery/device)- Optionally logging the battery voltage, capacity and state in aCSV logfile on SD-Card: "/mnt/sdcard/vbatt.log". The logfile can beanalysed afterwards on PC with the help of MS Excel, Open OfficeCalc or most suitable with GnuPlot.JBox2D** simulation (Discharger):- Discharging or draining the battery by running a JBox2D** basedsimulation (CPU) and keeping the display on (screen light),evaluation of the runtime until the device turns off. The longerthe runtime the better the battery. Before starting the dischargerthe battery should be fully charged and the phone should be in acomparable state (screen brightness, phone, Wifi, GPS, Bluetoothetc.)- Displaying the clock and runtime, battery voltage and remainingcapacity, battery temperature and the simulation frequency. (Thesimulation frequency can be used for basic CPU benchmarking.)- Logging of the last ten discharger runs (>10min) with date,achieved runtime and the discharged capacity.**The Vbatt discharger is based on the open source software JavaJBox2D physics engine, which has been ported by Daniel Murphy fromthe C++ Box2D physics engine, which has been developed by ErinCatto. JBox2D and C++ Box2D are released under the open source zliblicense.
Scientific Calculator 3 1.8
Martin Nathansen
Scientific Calculator 3 is an easy to use universalscientificcalculator app for smartphones, tablets or otherAndroidtouchscreen devices. It evaluates mathematical expressionsunderconsideration of the algebraic convention "brackets beforepowerbefore point before line calculation". The rounding of resultsisadjustable between 5 and 15 digits. Available notations arenormalnotation (NORM), scientific notation (SCI) and engineeringnotation(ENG). Trigonometric calculations optionally in Degrees(DEG:1°=PI/180) or Radians (RAD: 1rad=180°/PI). ScientificCalculator 3provides a large history display, where all inputs andresults canbe checked easily. This calculation history is keptuntil explicitdeletion. For devices without menu button: pleasetouch the screenlonger than 3sec to invoke the setup/options menu!Functions onmain display: * calc operators: + - × ÷ * parentheses:( ) * squareroot and power of 2: sqrt x² * permutation: n! (inlandscape formatonly or on tablets) * reciprocal: 1/x * percentage:% * plus minussign: ± * memory: MR MS M+ * exponent (optional): ExpScientificfunctions via "sci" button and on large displays: * poweroperator:^ 2^ e^ 10^ * square and cube root: sqrt cbrt * naturallogarithmand logarithms of 10: ln lg * constants: pi 2pi e 1/e*trigonometric, inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions:sinasin sinh asinh, cos...., tan.... **Notice: ScientificCalculator 3is based on the Open Source Software Arity-2.1.6"Arithmetic Enginefor Java" (Copyright © 2007-2009 Mihai Preda),which is licensedunder the Apache license 2.0.
Medigong - meditation timer 1.9
Martin Nathansen
* Medigong is an easy gong timer which allows to practice yogaormeditation without watching the time. * The gong timer countsdownthe minutes remaining and notifies the end of meditation withoneor three gong strokes. * Additional interval gongsduringmeditation help to become aware of distractions and to focusinwardagain. * Medigong respects your privacy and is free ofadvertising!Example: Configure Medigong for a 45mins meditationsession and theawareness timer for a 3mins interval. Every 3minsMedigong willsound a gong to help you to gain focused again. After45minsMedigong will sound three times the gong to notify the end ofthemeditation session. Features: - meditation timer (1min -24hour)for one or three gong sounds and with big display for theremainingminutes - periodic awareness timer (1min - 24hour) -preparationtimer - adjustable volume - dimmable background Medigongrespectsyour privacy: The app does not require any internet accessand isfree of advertising banners!
Relax Noise 3 - Tinnitus Mask 1.6
Martin Nathansen
Relax Noise 3 masks nerving ambient noise and also yourtinnituswith white, pink or red background noise. All three noisesignalsare random signals but with different acoustic colours: -Whitenoise has a flat power spectral density and corresponds tothebackground noise of electronic amplifiers (thermal orresistorrandom noise). - Pink noise has a power spectral densitywhich isinversely proportional to the frequency (1/f). Pink noiseoccurs inelectronic devices (flicker radom noise) and also asambient noisein the nature. It sounds like leaves rustling orrushing water. -Red or brown noise has like pink noise a decreasingpower spectraldensity but it is louder at lower frequencies (1/f²).In nature itsound similar to waterfalls, heavy rainfalls or to thesounds ofthe sea. Just choose the ambient noise which you likemost. Adjustthe sound volume rather low so you can still hear theenvironmentalnoise. Never use it in road transport or while drivinga car!!! Youcan also program the timer to turn off Relax Noise 3automaticallyafter an adjustable period of time. Setting the timerto "00:00"means that the timer is disabled and the random noisegeneratorruns endless. Relax Noise 3 respects your privacy: Ourrandom noisegenerator does not require any internet access and isfree ofadvertising banners! Features: - 3 random noise sounds:whitenoise, pink noise - programmable timer (1min–24hours) to turnthenoise generator off - adjustable random noise volume -dimmablebackground
Alarm Clock 3 - music alarm 2.3
Martin Nathansen
Alarm Clock 3 is an easy to use and reliable Music Alarm Clockwith3 customizable alarms, waking you up optionally with alarms orringtones of your phone or with music of your own music collection.Allbasic alarm settings are easily accessible with a singlescreentouch. For testing and checking the sound settings andalarmvolumes you can quickly playback the alarms from main screen.AlarmClock 3 respects your privacy: Our Music Alarm Clock doesnotrequire any rights for internet access and is free ofadvertisingbanners! Features of Music Alarm Clock 3 (free Version):For eachof the three alarms you can independently configure the: -alarmtime, - music title, alarmtone or ringtone, - loudness /soundvolume - fade in and fade out - phone vibration - alarmduration:one title or 1-20 min - alarm repetition: run the alarmjust onceor repeat it every day or repeat it on single or multipleweekdays- enable snooze and set snooze delay: 3-50min - autosnooze(reasonable for very short music tracks or alarm tones, e.g.withenabling auto-snooze you might let the cock crowing every 5 or10minutes in the morning). Further apps features: - Switch-offalarmsor snooze optionally by double click, by long touch(>500ms) ordouble long touch (to prevent accidental switch-off).- Thebackground of Alarm Clock 3 is dimmable from translucenttocompletely black. - The analogue clock can be disabled.-Additional timer setup menu which pops up instead of the AlarmTimesetup menu after long pressing the alarm time button. Thesetimerscan only be used when the daily or weekly alarm repetitionisdisabled (setting "Do not repeat alarm" in alarm preferences).-Simple Widget which shows besides a small analogue clock thealarmtimes